Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The littlest foreman in the world

I decided to take another look at the white house with my mom and Mike. My plan was really to have Mike take a look at the place. He is all sorts of handy. I just had to go through my mom to get Mike out there. I knew that my mom would never go for any house that I want to buy.

Mike took a look around and came up with this list:
- needs new front and back stairs
-garage needs a new roof
-the bathroom needs to be completely re-done
-the carpet is bad
-the electrical work in the basement is bad
-the retaining wall needs to be replaced
-the kitchen can not be expanded
-the basement has some water damage
-one basement window needs to be replaced
-the side door needs to be replaced
-the paneling may not be able to be replaced

So that is a short list! Right? The key about everything is that all of it can be fixed and none of it has to be done right away! I can work on the yard during the summer and replace all the inside things. The electrical need is actually a good thing because my dad is an electrician!

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