Monday, May 19, 2008

I'm in love

I'm in love. A love that I never felt before. A love that I know will last a couple years. A love so strong that it can only be felt towards an inanimate object. I am in love with a house.

Not to worry, Dustin. I know we said that we would divorce just because it was $300. But I would take your record collection. I know you would not allow that.

It is a three bedroom, one bath dream house for Annie. It is in a neighborhood that I do not believe I should be in. My poor white trash-ass should be in a run-down neighborhood where people spend most their time on the 'stoop'. * I do love my stoop sitting nights.* But if I can sit in the back yard, that is better!

The best thing about the house is it has an upstairs. I real upstairs! one that has stairs a normal person can walk up. Yeppi! The upstairs will be my 'fun room'. I can contain my mess into one level and have the rest clean!

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