Saturday, July 26, 2008

Now on to the house

The first room that I wanted to attack was the bedroom. I was living in a spare room until the bedroom was finally finished. Sleeping on the floor was not fun.

This is what the room looked like before:

After (kind of, I am really not done with it. But you get the point.)

Mandy loves yoga

I have two cats - Mandy Mew and Mewska Killmouski. They are cute and very good cats. Mandy is kind of the dumb one who is scare of everything. I think she is part skunk because she farts when she gets spooked. The move was horrible for her. While we were moving she hid and did not come out to say hi. When I tried to bring her out she would do this thing where she would crouch down really low and sleek away. It was so funny I made her do it a couple times.

I let them stay in the apt for the first night, but then I had to get everything out by the next morning. When I came back for the cats, Mandy was hiding under the sink. Every time I would pick her up, she would dig her nails into me - probably from all the tormenting I did to her the day before. So I wrapped her in a yoga mat and carried her out. She stayed in the damn yoga mat for hours! In the car, in the house!

Speed kills

We rented a truck and I was super excited to drive it. I was jumping up and down in glee when we picked it up. I figured since my mom is a truck driver, I naturally would be an awesome trucker too! And I was.

I thought it would be funny if I would make faces at everyone that we drove by. Just think, they would be like, 'hey, there's a truck. Did you see how ugly that girl was?'. So I did. It was funny, but probably just to Holly and I who nearly peed our pants.

I'm back!

I have not been updating this blog because I was a little worried that it may be used against me. See, my sister is in the middle of a nasty divorce and I fear that her soon-to-be ex-husband might stock me to gather dirt on me because I have dirt on him. I don’t want Mr. Klatt to know where I live because it will be very bad. Bad because I would have to see him and I don’t like him much.

So the moral of the story is that I am no longer going to be afraid of a short, balding, medal man coming after me.

**Aint he classy in that picture! He was drinking from a flask all day at his own wedding. Mind you, this picture was taken while he was at the head table about to make a toast. Memories. That was the most classy wedding have ever been to. There was Miller lite on tap, it was on a farm and catered by the Piggly Wiggly.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Simon's Cat 'Cat Man Do'

Simon's Cat 'TV Dinner'

Simon's Cat 'Let Me In!'

Simon's Cat videos have nothing to do with this blog, I just love them.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

conversation between me and my mom

I love my mom, but sometimes she is just a little off. She came over on Saturday to help me clean my basement and head up operation kill buggies. Here is one of the many conversations that confused me so.

Mom- You know you have a crack in your toilet seat?
Me - Of course. I will be replacing the bathroom soon so that repair can wait.
Mom - Your brother also has a crack in his toilet seat. The problem is his is right in the middle so every time I sit down it pinches my butt.
Me - Neat.
Mom - That is why I use his bathroom in the basement.
Me - Neat.

Two hours later, my mom is cleaning the bathroom and I am working on the kitchen. My mom comes out of the bathroom with the toilet seat in hand.

Mom - I took off the toilet seat. You can go to Home Depot and get another one. They are cheap.
Me - Ok, I don't plan on going there today though.
Mom - You will just have to hover and not drink so much water.

Then she trots back to cleaning the bathroom. I didn't know what to say. I couldn't understand why she just didn't wait until I had a new toilet seat before she removed the old one. For some reason, she thinks it is hover then sit on a cracked toilet seat - that mind you - does not have a crack placed in a position to pinch her butt.

I then decided to push up my Home Depot to later that night. About two hours after my mom left, I got a call from her. I will attempt to transcribe it:

AnnieAnnieAnnieAnnieAnnieAnnieAnnieAnnieAnnie - Do not buy a new toilet seat. I was looking around my house and found one. (In a sing-songy voice). I will send the toilet seat to your house tomorrow with your aunt. AnnieAnnieAnnieAnnieAnnieAnnieAnnieAnnieAnnie. I found a toilet seat. Do not buy a new one.

So I am thinking - what the fuck. Where did she get this toilet seat. Was she looking around her house and realized - oh - there's one, and pulled it off her own toilet. Or, was she over at someones house and took theirs? I can pictures someone walking in their bathroom and realizing their toilet seat is gone as my mom sneaks out the front door with horse shoe shaped object under her shirt.

Second off - a toilet seat is not something you want used. It's like underwear - no matter how many times you clean it - it is still used underwear. Plus, I am not so cheap that I am not gonna go out and buy I new one. I am willing to spurge on a new toilet seat.

So I call my aunt to figure out more about said toilet seat and she informs me that it is a new one. That brought up so many new questions. Why did she have a new toilet seat lying around the house. She has only one bathroom. Was she at a store and saw one and thought - hey, I need that. I also picture her during the Y2K scare stocking up on toilet seats in fear that the end of the world is coming and she will be out of toilet seats.

I now have a new toilet seat. The end.

Have you seen me?

I know as I start unpacking I will discover that not everything made it from my old place to my new place. I am aware of this fact and made peace with it. I figured it would be things like a t-shirt, pictures - ya know, small things.

Much to my dismay, I have already found one thing that went MIA - a piece to my bed frame. Seriously, the long piece on the side. How I lost this large medal piece, I do not know. Where I am going to get a replacement said long medal piece, I do not know that also. No, I could not lose the screws to the bed frame or one of the wheels, I had to lose a 6.5 foot medal bar. I am special. I sleep on the floor.


I have been having some problems with my connection to the world wide web. I signed up for Minneapolis wi-fi because it is super cheap, but it is difficult to get online sometimes. Oh well.

I have been working my butt off the past few days. My hands hurt so much that it is difficult to type. The good news is I have gotten so many-o-things done. One thing I did complete (kinda) is my bedroom. **I have to say, right now I am sitting in bed and Mewska is on her back in the window. It is the cuttest thing she has done all day (it is still early) Oh man, I wish I had my camera!

Anywho. I wrote some post that I could not upload due to interwebbing issues. I will do said things now before I go to work.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Move

Here are a couple pictures of the move.

I'm Back!!

I now have the World Wide Web at my new place. I really did not have a reason for not setting up internet besides the fact that I am lazy. I have access to MPLS internet so it is only 14 dollars a month. However, I only get access in my bedroom and upstairs. I am sure I can get WiFi from other rooms, it just takes the computer being a couple feet up.

Anywho, owning a house is hard. It has been over a week and I am kind of missing my apt. I could just come home everyday and have nothing to worry about. Now I have so many things to do. I can't just come home and watch tv. I have to do sooooo many things.

A lot of things have happened over the past week and a couple days. I am going to start slow and focus on the move.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Updates Coming Soon

I don't have internet access at home yet so I haven't been able to write new postings. My plan is to get everything up and running tonight. I have so much to update! Many of stories - including cops! Ohhh, Awwwwe. Stay tuned!