Tuesday, June 10, 2008

DIY - My hair

I have had a really bad day. I tried to lighten my hair, only to end up with a bright yellow mess. It was bad...very bad. But I still had to go to work because I had a meeting.

Right when I walked in I saw my bosses boss have a very confused look on his face. I said "it will go back to normal tonight". He replied "is there a normal?" The answer is no. My top favorite things people said to me:

--"Wooh, your hair....it looks, um, different."
--"I'm gonna start calling you 'lemonie snicket'"
--"How did that happen?!?"
And my favorite came from Beth, who when passing me in the hall just started laughing and could not stop. We talked about it earlier and I made it clear that I did not like my Rainbow Brite inspired hair.

That being said, I went home and attempted to dye my hair again. This time I went with red. However, it turned out pink.

I should not DIY my hair....

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