Monday, April 6, 2009

Killmouski, Mewska Killmouski

I don’t remember her given name, I just remember it did not fit. I think it was something like 'Flower', or 'Hope'. It proved to me that teen aged volunteers should never be able to name the cats....ever...

She was found in St. Cloud and was transferred to St. Paul with her sisters. Her sisters were not in the same room so either they were adopted or, well, taken care of.

Mandy had a new sister, but she hated her. When I brought her home I found out a funny little tidbit about Mandy, she snorts when she hisses. However, it took only a couple days until they were playing together.

The next big problem was the name. She reminded me of a Russian spy and I wanted something with Mew in the name. Her fur pattern looked as if she was a white cat that had a black cloak draped over her. There was even a spot on her chest for a button. To me, that meant Russian spy.

Her fur markings made her a spy, but her attitude helped a lot. There were many times I would turn around and almost step on her. She was sneaky! Hence, Mewska was born. The Killmouski came later after a friend told me about a friend with a Killmouski.

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