Rewind seven months ago. My dad and I were getting the garage door working because snow was coming. I was excited because I have never been able to park my car in an actual garage! It was fancy in my mind.
My dad brought over some of his old garage door openers and programed it to work. This was our conversation:
Dad - "Ok, let's see if it works." Presses button and the door closes.
Me - "Yeppi! I am so excited! Now I don't have to worry about someone breaking the lock." At this point, I had a small lock that could easily be pulled off protecting the crap in the garage.
Dad - "Well know you don't have to worry about that. Let's make sure this other door can't be opened." He took a metal pipe and jammed it into the door.
Conversation one hour ago:
Me - "So, my garage door won't open."
Dad - "Have you tried pushing the button."
Me - "Yes."
Dad - "Did you try again?"
Me - "Yes."
Dad - "How is the battery?"
Me - "I got a new one."
Dad - "Did you try pushing the button with the new battery?"
Me - "Yes."
Dad - "Maybe you need a new clicker?"
Me - "Just got one. Still doesn't work."
Dad - "Did you press the button?"
Me - "Yes."
Dad - "Well, try to get in the other door. Do you still have the key?"
Me - "Remember when we the garage door working and you stuck that pole in the other door?"
Dad - "Yea, we didn't think that through, now did we?"
Me - "Nope"
Dad - "Next time we should have an exit plan."
After about a an hour, I finally got the door with the pole open just enough for me to squeeze through. I pressed the button for the garage door and it worked perfect. I am waiting until my dad comes over to get the clicker working. I was covered in dirt and needed a bath.