When I was a kid, my mom worked at Target because she wanted to buy a baby grand piano. It was something that she always wanted. I don't really know why, she wasn't any good at playing. It was probably because we had a beautiful bay window that was perfect for a baby grand.
After a year or so she saved enough. I remember when it was delivered. It was a beautiful mahogany baby with hand carving around the base. I was around six so it seemed huge!
For the first year or so we all played. I took lessons from a mean old women on the west side of St. Paul. She sold Mary Kay and smelled funny.
After my mom and dad divorced the lessons stopped. Most things stopped. The only time we would touch the piano was when it was comical and we were pretending to be lounge singers.
At 18 my mom was forced to move out of the house I grew up in. She moved in with her long-term boyfriend. He had a house that could fit in the old house a few time. There was no room so she had to put it in storage.
A few years later, my sister started moving in with boys. They had larger places so she took the piano. I always fought against it because I didn't believe in moving it around as quickly as my sister went through men.
Finally the piano made its way to the house my sister was living in with her husband. They divorced and it was messy. After a few months of back and forth, the decision was made it would live at my house until I moved out. It is so pretty and looks perfect in my living room. Plus it makes me looks super fancy. The place can look like a crap shack and people will just focus on the beautiful baby sitting in the corner. Yes, I did put baby in the corner.
It's a little bitter sweet that the picture is of Mewska sitting on it. She loved the spot because it was full of son.
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