I am still recovering from the death of Mewska, but I think I should add some house stuff. One thing Mewska really loved was being outside. I was excited, and even got her leash out, so she could play outside with Holly and I as we fix up the yard.
One thing we want to do is add a nice sitting area in the back yard. Holly kept calling it a Per-go-la because that is the way that it is spelled. However, when I asked my construction buddies, Thom with a H and Tall Paul, they said it is actually Per-gu-la. According to Wikipedia because it is Latin. Yes, I did make fun of her over and over and over and over and...well I like to make her realize she doesn't have all words in the English dictionary down.

Anywho, I am getting a boat-load of cash back from my taxes so I am putting some towards the yard. I am happy because I get to remind Holly she pronounced it wrong at first.
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