Wednesday, April 22, 2009

For starters

I started by taking all the cabinets off and began prepping them. Due to the crap-shape they are in, I first had to fill the grooves with wood putty. Then I had to sand. Then I had to prime. Then I had to putty again. Sand again. Prime again. And after that short process, I could paint.

That is a shit load of work! I couldn't use a power sander because I don't have any electrical outlets outside and I didn't want to get the kitchen all dusty because I didn't want to clean out the cabinets.

What's messed up house doesn't have an electrical outlet on the side of the house. That just seems like it should be required! I was going to go into the garage, but Holly still has a bunch of stuff still in there and I think she would be pissed if the next time she went to grab something and it was covered in dust.

Man, sanding things by hand sucks. The cabinets are gonna look like ass.

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