Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Orange alert

Ok, so, I am kind of stupid. I like to drink and I have no perception of the world around me. This leads to me leaving the doors unlocked ALL-THE-TIME. Since Holly moved in I have only done it a hand full of times, but still, there was a few good months will every door leading to entering the house unlocked.

I am still here to write this completely necessarily blog post, therefore, I was not murdered. This neighborhood is uber safe. Probably more than Minnetonka or some other 'fancy' neighborhood'.

However, the previous owners did not feel the same way. They must have felt really unsafe. When I moved in there were two alarm systems. One was newer then the other, but I guess they felt safer with two.

I thought for a second to activate one, ya know, being a single lady and all. But it required a land line and that is just to archaic for me. This is 2009 and I have an iPhone. I am far too advanced for a land line.

I couldn't believe that the previous owners kept the old, nonworking alarm system around well after it was used. That is just stupid.

So a year after moving in, I am painting the kitchen and I had the choice to either paint around the main box or take it down. I took it down. Now I am completely unprotected.

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