My Father, he is kind of my best friend. It is hard for me to admit, but if I have a problem or a success, my dad is the one I first call. He is kind of awesome.
He recently was laid off from his job so he told me on Thanksgiving that he went in to retirement. I was surprised, but knowing my dad, he worked for retirement. He is only 57. When we had dinner on Friday I asked him what he was going to do now that he was not working, he fully explained it.
A little back story: my father bought his first violin from a garage sale when I was about 5 (it is now on the wall in my craft room). He would play that thing night and day. His practice room was next to my bedroom so I sleep best if there is a foot heavily keeping time. Recently I started noticing that he was buying a lot of instruments that he never played before. I knew that he played the violin, trumpet and piano (my great aunt said he had great talent). But he started buying strange things like a banjo, cello and a slide guitar. At Thanksgiving he showed me his new keyboard. However, anytime I asked him about it, he would say he got a good deal from ebay.
Me - What are you going to do with your days?
Dad - I have started studying music theory.
Me - What? Music theory?
Dad - Why do you think I bought all those instruments. I was stocking up for this day.
Me - Well...why didn't you study that in college?
Dad - You could never make money at it.
Me - Your aunt did. She is a professor in college.
Dad - she is a nun, they wouldn't let me in.
Me - You are a dude. So you spend your days playing music.
Dad - Yeah, they just fly by.
Me - You suck.
So that is why I started a 401K. Yeah, I know the market is bad, but I do put $50 away a month for retirement. My plan is to retire to spend my dad like my father.
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