One of the first people I met was my neighbor on the left. He is a 65 year-old artist and has social issues. I made the mistake of telling him I do some website stuff. He asked me to create a site for him and promised me a painting. He is actually a talented artists so I bit. Soon after I moved in, my neighbor started coming over and asking me all sorts of tech questions.
The final straw was a couple weeks ago when he came over and said he couldn't get on line. I went over there and figured out the problem. An anti-virus message kept coming up and he asked be about it:
Neighbor, "why does that keep coming up?"
Me, "Well, if you do Internet searching you should use it. But you only visit a couple sites."
Neighbor, "Well what sites are you thinking of?"
Me, "Be creative, just don't visit bad sites."
Neighbor, "Porn?"
Me, "yes"
Neighbor, "Well I have to admit I do watch porn."
That is when my hands left the computer and I ran out of there.
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