Mandy: Remember, this is the girl that named you Mewska Killmouski.
Mewska: Yeah, I know, but haven't you noticed things have changed?
Mandy: All I know is there is an increase in boxes and that is freak'n great! Plus, we still have are regular feedings so I am coo.
Mewska: Seriously Mand, is there anything else on your mind besides food and boxes?
Mandy: Nope.
Mewska: Well....if you haven't noticed, the couch is on its side and most of her possisions are in boxes.
Mandy: Aaaaannnnnnd?
Mewska: And, that is something that has not happened for the past two years we have been living here.
Mandy: Aaaaannnnnddddddd?
Mewska: Seriously, how is it that you have not stuck your tail in a light-socket?
Mandy: Your mean.
Mewska: Your stupid.
Mandy: I am not!
Mewska: Spell it
Mandy: Rude
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