After reading a totally credible blog,, I came to fear a black hole taking over my house. True story. Came from the internet and therefore it has to be true.
So I stopped by my new house to make sure a black hole did not taken my house. That and to make sure the retaining wall was finished - which it was. Oh, and the house was still standing, but I think I freaked out the neighbor! I was walking around the wall, making sure everything was good and the neighbor went to her car. She just kept looking at me so I waved. Hi neighbor.
That was my day, besides working all day. I woke up at 5 am this morning and could not find my cell phone, which is also my alarm. I feared that I left it at work so I stayed up until 6:30 to get to the office. I think my boss would have kiilled me if the alarm continued to go off all morning.
Alas, when I got to the office there was no cell phone. So of course I thought it was stolen from my desk over night. However, when I got home the alarm was still going off. I am afraid to go to be tonight because my cats may kill me for having to listen to it alllll day. In my defense, it was in the couch cushion.
After that I really could not find anything to do. Yeah, I could have cleaned my kitchen, but I didn't want to. Even though I only had a couple hours of sleep, I could not take a nap. Long story short, I took some sleeping pills. Heres for hoping they work! *fingers crossed*
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Annoying Badger Song
Beth, thanks for sharing this video. I will never tell you about my crazy dreams, cause now I will have more.
Lately I have been having the craziest dreams about my home. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I often have dreams that the house that I live in has secret rooms. These rooms usually have amazing things in them, like a fireplace or an awesome bathroom.
Last night was one of the strangest dreams. A house that was near the place I grew up in was forclosed. It was inhabited by Josie, an old women that had a beautiful white cat that would slap you if you came too close..with claws.
In reality, Josie's husband built the house in the 1920's and she lived there from 15 to her death at 94. My mom would always force me to go over to help her in the yard and for 18 years she was known as "the old women on the block".
Of the 9,820,932,039,842 times I went to her house I never seen past the front door. I always wondered what magical scenes laid within, yet I never was invited in. *Sad, but that was the same for many of the people on the block. I think my family might have been considered 'that family'.
Back to the dream (I know only my aunt and boyfriend only read this blog so I no longer abide by the short posts, he he.) Josie died (which she did) and the family could never decide what to do with the house so they closed it off to the world for 50 years, even though the timeline does not fit, that is how it was in my dream.
After 50 years, I decided to look at the house. There were so many treasures from years pass that I was in heaven. I kept going through her stuff and even stole some stuff. On the second level was her bedroom which I investigated futher and found turn of the centry lesbian porn.
I decided to buy the house because it had amazing woodwork. After all was said and done, I moved in and found things changed a lot. Half the neat things were gone and the home aged a billizion years. Everything was ruined and unlivable. Not only that, it was infested with badgers and weasles that kept trying to attack me.
I really hope there are not any badgers and weasles in my new place which I move in to in THREE DAYS!!!
Last night was one of the strangest dreams. A house that was near the place I grew up in was forclosed. It was inhabited by Josie, an old women that had a beautiful white cat that would slap you if you came too close..with claws.
In reality, Josie's husband built the house in the 1920's and she lived there from 15 to her death at 94. My mom would always force me to go over to help her in the yard and for 18 years she was known as "the old women on the block".
Of the 9,820,932,039,842 times I went to her house I never seen past the front door. I always wondered what magical scenes laid within, yet I never was invited in. *Sad, but that was the same for many of the people on the block. I think my family might have been considered 'that family'.
Back to the dream (I know only my aunt and boyfriend only read this blog so I no longer abide by the short posts, he he.) Josie died (which she did) and the family could never decide what to do with the house so they closed it off to the world for 50 years, even though the timeline does not fit, that is how it was in my dream.
After 50 years, I decided to look at the house. There were so many treasures from years pass that I was in heaven. I kept going through her stuff and even stole some stuff. On the second level was her bedroom which I investigated futher and found turn of the centry lesbian porn.
I decided to buy the house because it had amazing woodwork. After all was said and done, I moved in and found things changed a lot. Half the neat things were gone and the home aged a billizion years. Everything was ruined and unlivable. Not only that, it was infested with badgers and weasles that kept trying to attack me.
I really hope there are not any badgers and weasles in my new place which I move in to in THREE DAYS!!!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Question answered
After two years, I have never opened this cabinet in my apartment. The cabinet in question is located in my kitchen. I have never had an issue with cupboard space so I never bothered prying open the said cupboard.
So last night I was packing up my kitchen and I realized I had no idea what was in there. I was so intrigued with the possible treasures that could live inside. Would it be old-timey pictures for years ago. Maybe gold bars or love letters. Oooohhhh, maybe it was a door to a third dimension!
I grabbed the appropriate tools (a knife) and pried it open. What laid inside? a sheet of glass and two sticky-back flooring squares. The squares were not even from a previous floor, it was the stuff on the floor right now.
Yeah, so I started thinking about how disappointed I was in the finds. I am temped to write a letter explaining what life is like in 2008 and my experience of living in the apt. However, I would feel like such a stupid-face if the next person opens it right away. So guess what I did? Guess!?! I wrote a letter dated 1973. He he!
Reasons I hate the suburbs
I can't believe I forgot to post this story last week. So, I had to go to Second Deput to drop off some work-related stuff. I was going to make it out their earlier in the week, but the traffic was too bad.
Saturday morning I woke up, cleaned and then headed out to St. Louis Park. I have always hated the suburbs for many reasons. The streets don't make since and the people are mean. However, my job made me go.
I thought I would be nice and buy some cookies for the employees. Knowing there was a Panera Bread up the road, I thought it would also be a great time to pick up some iced coffee.
The Panara was only a few blocks away, but it took FOREVER! The traffic was horrible. So I get there and I was standing in line and this bitch cut in front of me. I could not believe it! She just performed cuttizies! I blew it off and finally made my order. I got cookies and iced coffee. I was excited because it was really warm and I could be in my car for a while. After I ordered....and paid....the clerk informed me they did not have iced coffee. WTF! Who has coffee and no iced coffee. It is just coffee with ice. It is not that hard, people.
I finally get back to my car with my hot coffee and realized what was going on. A block up was a parade going on. Not only was the traffic stopped, but I could not turn left because it was blocked. My plan was to go up a block and turn around.
20 minutes later I finally make it past the light. I pull a Uie and head back towards the store. I thought "I finally have a break" when I was just about to go thought the light stopped by the parade. However, a cop jumps in front of me and starts blowing her whistle.
I turn off my engine and wait for the parade to pass by again. I had to watch the crappy marching band and cub foods. I got excited again because the Star Wars crew was going to pass by. However, right before they were going to come out, the bitch cop waved me to pass.
I get to the store with my cookies in hand. The first thing I noticed was a big tray of cookies to great patrons. I guess they wanted something extra special for those shopping after the parade. Great thing I spent all that time getting cookies for them!
So I decided to look around. They have a great area devoted to paintings. I figured I may find something for my new house at a reasonable price. I found the perfect painting! It was a fabric painting that would look great above my couch. Perfect color, perfect size and a perfect price. So I bought it. Only after I brought it to my car did I realize that it would not fit in the Saturn On (someone stole the i).
After 30 minutes I walked back in to the store defeated. I tried everything, but there was no way it was going to fit. I had to leave it :(
The good thing is yesterday Dustin and I picked it up and it fit in his car. Here is a really bad picture of another reminder why I had the suburbs.
Saturday morning I woke up, cleaned and then headed out to St. Louis Park. I have always hated the suburbs for many reasons. The streets don't make since and the people are mean. However, my job made me go.
I thought I would be nice and buy some cookies for the employees. Knowing there was a Panera Bread up the road, I thought it would also be a great time to pick up some iced coffee.
The Panara was only a few blocks away, but it took FOREVER! The traffic was horrible. So I get there and I was standing in line and this bitch cut in front of me. I could not believe it! She just performed cuttizies! I blew it off and finally made my order. I got cookies and iced coffee. I was excited because it was really warm and I could be in my car for a while. After I ordered....and paid....the clerk informed me they did not have iced coffee. WTF! Who has coffee and no iced coffee. It is just coffee with ice. It is not that hard, people.
I finally get back to my car with my hot coffee and realized what was going on. A block up was a parade going on. Not only was the traffic stopped, but I could not turn left because it was blocked. My plan was to go up a block and turn around.
20 minutes later I finally make it past the light. I pull a Uie and head back towards the store. I thought "I finally have a break" when I was just about to go thought the light stopped by the parade. However, a cop jumps in front of me and starts blowing her whistle.
I turn off my engine and wait for the parade to pass by again. I had to watch the crappy marching band and cub foods. I got excited again because the Star Wars crew was going to pass by. However, right before they were going to come out, the bitch cop waved me to pass.
I get to the store with my cookies in hand. The first thing I noticed was a big tray of cookies to great patrons. I guess they wanted something extra special for those shopping after the parade. Great thing I spent all that time getting cookies for them!
So I decided to look around. They have a great area devoted to paintings. I figured I may find something for my new house at a reasonable price. I found the perfect painting! It was a fabric painting that would look great above my couch. Perfect color, perfect size and a perfect price. So I bought it. Only after I brought it to my car did I realize that it would not fit in the Saturn On (someone stole the i).
After 30 minutes I walked back in to the store defeated. I tried everything, but there was no way it was going to fit. I had to leave it :(

Less then a week until I move. Only five days left and I am super excited!
I have been cleaning and packing up my apt for the past few weeks, but I am finally almost finished. *Yeah for packing*. Dustin and I spent the day together yesterday and did home related things. He was being a super-sweet boyfriend and let me do what I wanted. We first went to Chang Mai Thai for my fav curry dish. Then to Second Deput to pick up a painting I bought last week and could not fit in my car so I had to wait until I had access to a larger car.
We finished the day with Jamba Juice and a few episodes of Nip Tuck. It was an awesome day!
I included a picture of Eek the Cat because that was one of my favorite cartoons growing up.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I managed to complete the bolded tasks I completed:
-clean bedroom rug
-pack hall closet
-wash hall closet
-clean and pack dishes (I did part of this)
-box Sinatra records
x pack fabric
-water plants
-pick up cloth for the next ten days.
8 days to go!
-clean bedroom rug
-pack hall closet
-wash hall closet
-clean and pack dishes (I did part of this)
-box Sinatra records
x pack fabric
-water plants
-pick up cloth for the next ten days.
8 days to go!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Holy S@&?!!!
Ten days until I move. Ten frick'n days! Two work weeks! 240 hours!
Needless to say I am freaking out just a little bit. I was taking a break from work and thought about how much more I need to pack, but though 'hey, I have time'. Then I realized that I really don't have the time. I have one more weekend here! Oh-Jesus-Christ-All-Mighty!
There is so much to do with so little time to do it in!
-clean bedroom rug
-pack hall closet
-wash hall closet
-clean and pack dishes
-box Sinatra records
x pack fabric
-water plants
-pick up cloth for the next ten days.
Ok, it is 6:40. Lets see if I can get all that done by the time I go to bed. I will be taking bets until 7:30
I am going to bet I don't get it all done.
Needless to say I am freaking out just a little bit. I was taking a break from work and thought about how much more I need to pack, but though 'hey, I have time'. Then I realized that I really don't have the time. I have one more weekend here! Oh-Jesus-Christ-All-Mighty!
There is so much to do with so little time to do it in!
-clean bedroom rug
-pack hall closet
-wash hall closet
-clean and pack dishes
-box Sinatra records
x pack fabric
-water plants
-pick up cloth for the next ten days.
Ok, it is 6:40. Lets see if I can get all that done by the time I go to bed. I will be taking bets until 7:30
I am going to bet I don't get it all done.
Monday, June 16, 2008
The Ladies lost in conversation

Mandy: Remember, this is the girl that named you Mewska Killmouski.
Mewska: Yeah, I know, but haven't you noticed things have changed?
Mandy: All I know is there is an increase in boxes and that is freak'n great! Plus, we still have are regular feedings so I am coo.
Mewska: Seriously Mand, is there anything else on your mind besides food and boxes?
Mandy: Nope.
Mewska: Well....if you haven't noticed, the couch is on its side and most of her possisions are in boxes.
Mandy: Aaaaannnnnnd?
Mewska: And, that is something that has not happened for the past two years we have been living here.
Mandy: Aaaaannnnnddddddd?
Mewska: Seriously, how is it that you have not stuck your tail in a light-socket?
Mandy: Your mean.
Mewska: Your stupid.
Mandy: I am not!
Mewska: Spell it
Mandy: Rude
Father's day
I was gonna spend the day with my father, Jack, or who I like to call Patricia. The plan was to go over to my brother, John, or who I like to call Corey, and spend the day with him and little John. However, my dad decided to visit my brother on Friday and didn't want to drive alllllll the way to Andover again.
Kids are not even on my radar right now, but if I was going to have kids anytime soon I would want them to be EXACTLY like little John. He is the cutest little baby I have every seen. The second he sees a camera he is all over it. The little guy adores the camera. He can go from crying to striking a pose with shutter speed.
Zelika, my brother's wife who I call Zelika, had to go to work. This left me and my brother alone. To put it simply, we are not a family that talks. The less we know of each other the better. Before she left she told Corey and I to spend the afternoon talking. She said, and I quote (reason for putting quote around it) "You two have not seen each other in a while. Talk about your future plans and what is going on in your life."
Ur, brother and I looked at each other and in unison said "sure". The second she left we headed down to the basement for some bonding time. That is when he went to the computer room and I plopped down on the couch to watch tv. Little John was taking a nap so I got a couple hours of cable in.
I believe it is an important time to mention that I do not have cable, nor have I ever had it. Therefore, when ever I have access to it, I go nuts! I can watch hours upon end and be very happy. Yesterday I found this wonderful channel called HGTV. It is all about home and garden work! Oh man, I drooled a little. I watched it for hours and got so many great ideas for my house. Seriously, I watched it for 6 hours straight. Now I have a new obsession, checking out the HGTV website (cause I am too cheap to actually pay for cable).
The moral of the story is I have an issue with becoming obsessed with things....
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Family traditions
A few posts ago I mentioned the love-seat that my dad promised to me a few years ago. It was a love-seat that we had in the house I grew up in. After my mom left my dad, he took it with him. When I turned 18 my dad told me that he was saving the dining table my grandfather had in his house and the love-seat.
I got my dining room table when I moved in to this apartment two years ago. (Let me tell you, my sister had the biggest issue with me having the table. She even used the "I have a family and we eat dinner together" to get the table away from me.) Well, the dining table is maple but has nothing to do with family history (the table was my step-father's and not part of the Hanley Clan).
My dad called and I asked him about the love-seat and I he told me the real story behind the love-seat. My great, great grandfather Mr. Vinchiski (I am sure I did not spell that name correctly). He made the love-seat and gave it to his daughter, Sophia Vinchaski, who married John Hanley from Ireland. Sophia gave the chair to her son, yet another John Hanley, who married my grandmother, who gave it to my dad. I think that is the way things went.
The issue is my grandmother had the love-seat prepared for storage. That meant that everything was taken off of it but the frame (this was not the first time it was re-done). Strange, but my friend from high schools father did the striping. I just need to have the fabric put back on. I will keep you posted!
I don't have any pictures, sorry...
I got my dining room table when I moved in to this apartment two years ago. (Let me tell you, my sister had the biggest issue with me having the table. She even used the "I have a family and we eat dinner together" to get the table away from me.) Well, the dining table is maple but has nothing to do with family history (the table was my step-father's and not part of the Hanley Clan).
My dad called and I asked him about the love-seat and I he told me the real story behind the love-seat. My great, great grandfather Mr. Vinchiski (I am sure I did not spell that name correctly). He made the love-seat and gave it to his daughter, Sophia Vinchaski, who married John Hanley from Ireland. Sophia gave the chair to her son, yet another John Hanley, who married my grandmother, who gave it to my dad. I think that is the way things went.
The issue is my grandmother had the love-seat prepared for storage. That meant that everything was taken off of it but the frame (this was not the first time it was re-done). Strange, but my friend from high schools father did the striping. I just need to have the fabric put back on. I will keep you posted!
I don't have any pictures, sorry...
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Cat box
I complain a lot about cat-crap smell I have in my apt due to the cat box. Now I have another cat box issue. Ever since I started moving, my cats have become all cracked up with the amount of boxes in the house. When a box is around it is like Brittany Spears and Frappes from Starbucks. They get way too excited and run around like coked up cats.
Living room

Right now the living room has nasty cream carpet and small brown trim. The windows are newer and do not have to be replace for a few more years. My plan is to take out the carpet and replace it with bamboo flooring. In the corners by the windows will be the baby grand piano (yes, my mother is going to give it to me for the time being). Against the wall will be my large cream couch with two adjacent chairs. father told me that he would give me an antique love seat from my great grandmother. I will have to have it re-done, but it is totally worth it. *note to self - get love seat from dad.
I don't know what I will use in the middle for a table, but I hope to find one. As for colors, I was thinking burnt orange brown for accent walls. I really don't know though, I think I am going to ask Jeeves
17 days
17 days until I move! I am super excited. Here is a picture of my new front yard. It was replaced and looks a lot nicer! I will need to stain it when I move in so it doesn't look so...yellow...I am not a fan of that color as of late.
Oh, I have also started planting my herbs. I started a small little green house in my apt and the seeds have started to sprout!
DIY - My hair
I have had a really bad day. I tried to lighten my hair, only to end up with a bright yellow mess. It was bad...very bad. But I still had to go to work because I had a meeting.
Right when I walked in I saw my bosses boss have a very confused look on his face. I said "it will go back to normal tonight". He replied "is there a normal?" The answer is no. My top favorite things people said to me:
--"Wooh, your looks, um, different."
--"I'm gonna start calling you 'lemonie snicket'"
--"How did that happen?!?"
And my favorite came from Beth, who when passing me in the hall just started laughing and could not stop. We talked about it earlier and I made it clear that I did not like my Rainbow Brite inspired hair.
That being said, I went home and attempted to dye my hair again. This time I went with red. However, it turned out pink.
I should not DIY my hair....
Right when I walked in I saw my bosses boss have a very confused look on his face. I said "it will go back to normal tonight". He replied "is there a normal?" The answer is no. My top favorite things people said to me:
--"Wooh, your looks, um, different."
--"I'm gonna start calling you 'lemonie snicket'"
--"How did that happen?!?"
And my favorite came from Beth, who when passing me in the hall just started laughing and could not stop. We talked about it earlier and I made it clear that I did not like my Rainbow Brite inspired hair.
That being said, I went home and attempted to dye my hair again. This time I went with red. However, it turned out pink.
I should not DIY my hair....
Saturday, June 7, 2008
The last couple days have been raining really bad. There were flash floods for a few hours. In fear that my basement would double for a swimming pool, I went to make sure the house was dry.
Good news - IT WAS!!!
I was very surprised! In the mean time, I took more pictures.
Now these next few posts will be of the new house and what the room will look like.
Good news - IT WAS!!!
I was very surprised! In the mean time, I took more pictures.
Now these next few posts will be of the new house and what the room will look like.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Bad dream
Some times I wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. I have this re-curring dream that I still work for my last employer. It was hell. No, it wasn't hell. It was where the devil would go if he was bad.
During the year that I worked there I was one of the senior employees. It was a frickn' revolving door of employees. Most of the poeple would get fired for the strangest reasons. We had 4 HR directors and were in the process of hiring a 5th when I left.
I was one of the only people that actually left due to another job. I was really suprised that I didn't get fired because the last 3-4 months I clocked out without leaving the building. I would spend over half my day playing on the internet. I got really good at crossword puzzels.
After leaving I never had to contact that place again. Until yesterday.... I needed two years of W2's and I could only find the one from GES. That meant that I had to call my last employer to get a copy. My palms were sweating, heart racing and I think I peed a little. The good thing is no one anwered so I left a message. Luckly they did not return my call. Ha ha. Now my mortgage guy has to call them. HA!
During the year that I worked there I was one of the senior employees. It was a frickn' revolving door of employees. Most of the poeple would get fired for the strangest reasons. We had 4 HR directors and were in the process of hiring a 5th when I left.
I was one of the only people that actually left due to another job. I was really suprised that I didn't get fired because the last 3-4 months I clocked out without leaving the building. I would spend over half my day playing on the internet. I got really good at crossword puzzels.
After leaving I never had to contact that place again. Until yesterday.... I needed two years of W2's and I could only find the one from GES. That meant that I had to call my last employer to get a copy. My palms were sweating, heart racing and I think I peed a little. The good thing is no one anwered so I left a message. Luckly they did not return my call. Ha ha. Now my mortgage guy has to call them. HA!
Monday, June 2, 2008
I have been packing over the last couple days. I told my co-workers I am working on the world's greatest box fort so they have to give me all their old boxes. I really have The needed them to pack my apt. The problem is finding space. I have found that stacking my boxes has turned into a real-life game of Tetris.
In college I lived with a girl that we called BH (Bad Holly). At first she was just Holly, but the Holly Morff moved in and we had to change the name. Holly Morff was just too cool to be compared to the other Holly.
BH was in grad school for OT. She was a really nice girl, but her voice would make people jump out a window. HELLL-OOOOOWW? Said very nasally and loud.

Just showing off!

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