Wednesday, February 25, 2015


My neighborhood is overrun with the little jerks.

Bedroom Light

I got this for $5 at the ReUse store

And got this from Unique Thrift:

Took the guts from the thrift light and put it in the outside light. I still need to make it more sturdy, but the problem we were having in the bedroom was that the lamp hurt my eyes so I would put a scarf over it. Ryan hated that. Not a fire hazard, just annoying because it was dark and hard to see.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Perfect for tea lights

The tube for the incense I bought from the Asian store. Perfect for storage. Moved the incense to a Pearl Jam mug

I got my hair caught in a button

Baking soda

Love me some baking soda. Use it for everything. But it always gets clumpy. Found theses at the dollar store. Perfect.

Tampon box

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Make-up box

Organizing my bath time tool box

Stuff with birds on it

Bathroom organizing

Reminder-bathroom DIY

Bathtub drain with ring

So I can find it batter in the dark

Bathroom lights

Cat in a box

Goodbye wall (in German)

I hate this wall. It's weird. Me thinks when the house had 13 people living in it, they quick put it up. I had my pottery studio in there for a bit and it was super cool. But just in a weird place. So I took it down. 
But the screws were all stripped and I didn't feel like fighting with it so I left the frame up. It was really trip-y. Like a picture frame. But Ryan took it all the way down. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

I failed everyone of these

NYT Article


Wish I would have found this in 2010. I would have hung it on my cube wall

Must try - Bathroom organizing

I must try most of these:

Sunday, February 1, 2015


My bee

Clean house

Ryan woke up to this after a long night of work

Beasley bow

Cats and yoga

Lego army

Hat box project

Dangerous dad


State park in new fancy car

Guess who got a Lincoln?

N. MN priorities

Disco fountain

Dandy hat

Dandy balls

Dallas find

Old days

Red boots

Bored board games