It's been a while since I really enjoyed my friends so I made it a point to hang out with my oldest friend, Margi (oldest that I have known). She works weekends so I can't see her when I am not working and she can't see me when she is not working. It's like friend camouflage.
I also believe the best decisions are made when you are drunk. But only when those decisions are remembered. We went to Mayslacks for a couple beers and dinner. Half way through the night we got on the conversation of cats. She knew the Mewska situation only because she reads this blog (one of three readers).
Me - "So, I think I should get another cat. You saw Mandy, she was super friendly."
Margi - "Yeah, she wasn't like that the last time I was over."
Why, for some reason, is Mandy being social a bad thing? Well because she farts when she is under pressure (ha) and gets all sorts of gassy when people are around. That leads me to think she doesn't really like people, but is out because some cat needs to know what is going on.
Me - "I want to adopt another, I just haven't."
Margi - "Let's go tomorrow."
It was so simple. The reason why I have not gotten a cat is because I have not gone to the humane society to pick one out. I have been so consumed with other things, I forgot how simple successfully acquiring this end result could be.
So we went back to my house and talked more about getting a new cat. Everything was interrupted by a game a Trivial Pursuit so I thought she forgot. Nope. The next morning she came in my room and said, "Let's go buy a cat!"
I was a little pissed at her energy. One, we had to walk 981,098,banana,298,948 to get to my car. Two, I was feeling the booze the day after and happiness is not the cure.
When we first saw Dandy (her real name was something stupid so I don't remember it) I fell in love. We brought her into a 'holding room' and I knew I had to get her. I actually made the step when I saw another family looking at her and got all sorts of pissy because they were touching my cat.