Friday, March 13, 2009

Bathroom...part 2

The bathroom was one of the things that made me not want to buy the house. It was gross. Gross-a-la-gross. The sink was lop-sided because it molded out. And it smelled like pee. Only when we pulled the floor up did the pee smell go away (I am guessing Fernando and his friends did pee in the sink.)

After a lot of work I finally finished the bathroom. Now it is very nice. Not perfect, but nice. The tub is too shallow and I don't like the layout. However, I am happy with it not looking like a 3rd world-country bathroom.

I had to do a lot to make it some place people would want to pee:
- New sink
- Remove glass shower doors
- New floor (since the sub-floor is pretty bad we went with cheap tile)
- Paint storage area
- New storage area above the toilet
- Paint vanity.

My neighbors will hate me...

Right after one of the biggest snow storms, we decided to go out. Beth was at a bar near the house so Mike, Kari and Kassi bit at the idea of hanging out in NE MPLS. When Holly came home from work, she was interested in coming, but still needed to get ready. That meant that we had some time between her getting ready and my friends coming over.

Upon learning that Holly was coming, Kari needed to clean out her back seat. The day before they went sledding and had sleds in the back seat. The natural reaction was to sled down the large hill in front of my 10 at night...

Long story short, we ended up drinking way too much at the bar. At some point we were shoving ice-cubes down each other's shirts. Then I made out with a 22 year old. Good times, good times...