I was sanding the floors in the craft room and I opened up one of the windows so I could put a fan to have the dust go out. It did not even cross my mind that one of my cats would try to escape. I mean, they are both fed and I pay attention to the every once and a while.
Before I go to bed I count my cats. It is super easy...one-two. However, this faithful night I only had one. I checked out side and did not find Mewska. Then I was convinced she was in the vent. I spent about an hour trying to spook her out.
After a couple hours, I decided that if she wanted to hid, she could. I fell a sleep...but for only a couple hours. I woke up at about 5 am and decided to go looking for her. I put on a hoodie and grabbed my flashlight. I soon realized that I was wearing a black hoodie and black pants. I figured my neighbors may see my ninjamma's and think I was trying to break into the house.
I couldn't fall a sleep because I kept thinking about poor little Mew. She must have been scare, hungry and cold because I feed her and keep her warm. Then I started to think
if I was a scared cat, where would I go
. A-ha! The garage! Since some of my stuff was still in there, she may have gone in there for comfort.
I jumped up and ran to the garage. Yes she was in there and super scared. That is why she is now known as the 'Great Mewdini', the escape artist.
Since she pissed me off I figured I would post a picture of Mewska stuck inside a plastic bag while waiting for food.